What I use to find Obituaries

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Society Find a Grave Account

I recently created a Find A Grave account under the societies name. I have been moving the profiles that I have created and manage to the society account and also asking for transfers from new profiles that I find that are descendants.

The goal is to manage all the Find A Grave profiles of all the descendants in the master tree and to link the profiles together and add the society website to each profile. I always ask if the current person is related to the profile and invite them to register on the society website. And if they are not to please transfer.  

If you manage the profiles of your family members on Find A Grave please keep doing so. But I encourage you to make sure the people are linked together. Also add this in the Biography section of your profiles. "Descendant of immigrant John Liming" http://john-liming-society.org"  This will help people find the website.

Society Find a Grave Account

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Are you are descendant of John Lyming the Immigrant? Do you think you might be? If so post your direct lineage like mine is on the right.